Travel Belt: Trent is the closest thing to a brother I’ve ever had. Over the weekend he married Jamie and, as far as I’m concerned, she’s now a part of my family too. They were married in a small town about 2 hours from here that is quite a ways off of the beaten path, and it gave my small but growing family a chance to do some light travelling. It was good practice eo cum liber as well. With the veritable supply train of baby goods that had to be loaded into the Accord, it was easy to overlook one small thing: a belt. Since I left in my travel clothes, I was casual enough not to need one on departure and when dressing for rehearsal I realized I didn’t have one.
Now, I have a hack. My wife ended up buying a reversible belt. Yes, not the ultimate in fashion but when you’re in a bind, it’s a great thing to have. I definitely won’t wear it on a normal day, but it’s going in my computer bag – something I’m likely to have with me while travelling. Then, if I happen to forget my good belts, I can avoid looking sloppy because I have a black and a brown belt on standby.
Sleep habits? I’m struggling a bit lately with sleep efficiency. If anyone has any hacks or tips on getting the most out of sleep, then I’d love to hear them. Thanks!