It seems that the one carryover from brick-and-mortar, manual, old school business to the new knowledge-based economy is that upper management likes to have meetings. Meetings are necessary. Meetings suck. Here’s my meeting school: Meetings are good: Task assignments are best identified by the team, rather than just direct orders by a superior. Resource allocations …
Category Archives: lifehacks
Happy New Year! I think. Hopefully your endeavors for the year are off to a good start. If you’re a leader working to motivate people, I have some ideas for you. Compensation alone can only motivate temporarily. Substantially higher pay for mundane work may get Samuel motivated to work on a project for a very …
David Seah Clarifies the Meaning of Productivity
David Seah has put together an excellent article on some of the foundations of creativity, productivity, passion and work. Check it out – it’s worth the read.
Staying on the GTD Wagon (Part II)
It’s much harder to stay on top of your GTD if the system isn’t working for you. GTD works, so don’t blame the system. There are a number of small things that can go wrong, however, if you aren’t careful. Exercise regular reviews. If you aren’t reviewing, you aren’t Getting Things Done. I review my …
Behavioral Change Odds (Stacked in Your Favor)
Thanks to the outlet I have in space-age wasteland (and the fact that people continue to read it), I apparently have a 95% chance of making my vocational changes work. This Occupational Adventure post points out that: [A 1993 BYU study] shows the chances of a change being incorporated into one’s life in various scenarios. …
Continue reading “Behavioral Change Odds (Stacked in Your Favor)”
Daily Progress
Yesterday I promised myself I’d squeeze in a daily activity into my schedule. I didn’t really commit to anything because I’m already reasonably overextended, but I knew it had to be something that was related to my passion. If nothing else comes of this commitment, I’ll have earned the fruits of practice. Zack pointed out …
“Everyday I Write the Book”
Reader’s Digest has a feature, Only In America, which highlights “Ideas, trends and interesting bits from all over” – all over America, I presume. October’s edition of this feature included two very interesting storiettes. The first of these mentioned David Allen and GTD, clutter busting, and feng shui. The fruit of the meme, however, was …
Bye-Bye Bloglines
Ok, it seems odd that only about 2 weeks ago I committed to using Bloglines to aggregate my feeds, and now I’m already moving on. Yes, Google (of course) has caught my fancy with this slick (and very Web 2.0) news reader/aggregator. Since I use my Google account for gmail, personalized search, and the ig …
The Prequel to ‘Finding Your Calling’
Ok, so I wasn’t so clear about how I actually went through the exercise early Friday Morning. After reading back over the post, I realize that it looks like I skipped the first two steps, but they were just done on paper. Now I’ll share them in hopes that a review of them will give …
Fred’s ‘Finding Your Calling’ Exercise and Invitations
Recently, Fred Gratzon over at The Lazy Way to Success posted a very interesting article outlining a method for “finding your calling.” Seeing as how this seems to be the meme of the year and I mentioned it in my last post, I figured it would be a good idea to actually exercise this method. …
Continue reading “Fred’s ‘Finding Your Calling’ Exercise and Invitations”