The other day it occurred to me that the use of a persistent card or two in my Hipster PDA may become useful. I happened upon this after moving into a new house and I kept noticing things that needed to be purchased (important, but still at a semi-leisurely pace). Rather than using a regular white blank card for this, I stuck a bright red card into the pile (in addition to my blue divider card). When I happen by a store, I can quickly find the red card, glance at my list and potentially scratch another item off the list. Now, I’ll keep a jot’n’scratch red card in my pile for shopping lists and replenish when necessary. I’m sure there are other things you can think of for a persistent card in your stack. Let me know what you think.
Also, two parcels arrived at my doorstep yesterday. My Fisher Bullet and Volant Moleskines have arrived! 🙂 The bullet is a phenomenal piece of writing technology – small to store, but has the feel of a full-sized fine writing instrument (mine’s chrome, just like my dubs). I’m still getting used to the Moleskines and trying to remind myself to find the appropriate times to use them, but they’re such a nifty item that I’d probably be satisfied carrying around an empty one all day.