Opportunities Answer Commitment

There seems to be a phenomenal law of nature that if you commit to something properly, opportunity will find you. Maybe it’s God rewarding faith. Maybe it’s a result of increased vigilance for these opportunities. I’ll call it a combination of the two. I have goals. That’s an awesome thing to say. When I didn’t …

Dropkick those Obstacles (My First 5 to 1)

…and the meme multiplies: Curt writes this yesterday. He’s obviously sneaking into my brain and doing his best to talk me into doing what I know I should. I’ll try his exercise even (think of 5 possibilities to get around each obstacle): First Obstacle: No one is going to pay me to play, write, teach, …

For Now… It’s Music

If you haven’t already concluded this from the last two weeks of posting, my day job is draining the life out of me. From comments here, discussions outside of the blogosphere and my own personal reflections I have decided that a music career is what will fulfill me on every level. It’s my passion. I …

…Like Everything I’ve Ever Heard Before

It’s funny. I know I read this back in May, but sometimes repetition of a theme really is worth it. Formalization counts for something to. I suppose we should all get together and write a book about this process, or has Fred already done that (it is on my reading list, by the way, I’m …

The Prequel to ‘Finding Your Calling’

Ok, so I wasn’t so clear about how I actually went through the exercise early Friday Morning. After reading back over the post, I realize that it looks like I skipped the first two steps, but they were just done on paper. Now I’ll share them in hopes that a review of them will give …

Fred’s ‘Finding Your Calling’ Exercise and Invitations

Recently, Fred Gratzon over at The Lazy Way to Success posted a very interesting article outlining a method for “finding your calling.” Seeing as how this seems to be the meme of the year and I mentioned it in my last post, I figured it would be a good idea to actually exercise this method. …

Who does what they want?

There’s a lot of talk in the blogosphere about only doing what you’re really passionate about. If you don’t know what I’m talking about look at daringfireball.net, lazyway.blogs.com or slackermanager.com. It seems to be one thing to really take on your dreams if you’re already someone of note, either electronically or professionally. But what if …

A Monday Back in Swing

August has been a difficult month. My father has suffered a long history of health problems starting with brain cancer 16 years ago, aggravated seizure disorder, and two recent major spinal surgeries. On July 27th, dad fell after experiencing a seizure and severely fractured his skull. He underwent surgery to repair the injury, followed by …