Capture the Song

I’ve got a lot on my mind, so you may notice that I’m frequently publishing short little entries. I’m still capturing at least 4-lines of lyrics to tape everyday, mostly with some accompaniment. Since I’ve gotten back into writing regularly, inspiration seems to come at odd times. Lyrically, I’m always prepared because I’ve got the …

Behavioral Change Odds (Stacked in Your Favor)

Thanks to the outlet I have in space-age wasteland (and the fact that people continue to read it), I apparently have a 95% chance of making my vocational changes work. This Occupational Adventure post points out that: [A 1993 BYU study] shows the chances of a change being incorporated into one’s life in various scenarios. …

The Lazy Way to Success: The Secret to Attracting Resources

Have you read The Lazy Way to Success yet today? The Lazy Way to Success: The Secret to Attracting Resources Wow, Uncle Fred knows exactly what I need to hear and when I need to hear it. December 9th is still looming out in the distance. But something needs to change on that date, ya …