From age 14 to 26, I was the computer geek. Until about 22, I was an Apple hater. Adamant. Unyielding. I’m still not even sure why though. I was probably jealous that I didn’t get it. I happily went and built my new PC every 18 months or so when the previous system became impossible to use. 18 Months. And I always bought the top PC product, maxed out.
Twenty-nine months after the purchase of my iBook, I’m starting to think “eh, it might be time to upgrade.” iBook. At the time of purchase, iBook was the lowest end, cheapest portable computer from Apple. And it has lasted me about a year longer than any top-of-the-line PC I’d bought before, looks and feels a lot better, and it’s white.
Of course, there’s $0 in the computer budget right now, but I think iMac is next. For now, I can live with a computer starting to slow down though because it still works. That’s what Jonathan always says about Apple: “It just works.”
And one more thing…