We indie musicians sometimes have to come up with creative ways to fund our projects. Taking a production to the next level is one of these times.
The first Uncle Widget CD, Bedtime On Mars was put together at home, with primitive tools. It was a proof of concept. The next CD will be for playtime entertainment, and I’ve decided that it will be spectacular.
In order to boost the success of the next CD, I’m selling stakes of the profit to investors. It’s much more important for me to get my music out than it is for me to make a bunch of money.  One share of the CD is worth 25 cents for every disc sold and costs $125 up front.
The goal is to sell 1000 CDs. An investor will double their money, no matter how many shares they own. If it sells more, the profits keep going.
Details of this are on fund.unclewidget.com.