Staying on the GTD Wagon (Part III)

I’ve talked about little victories before and I think this is important to keep Getting Things Done. Two tips to help gain little victories:

  • Track the little things. If I’m about to go to the store to go get light bulbs, I’ll go ahead and track the task. I’m not gonna forget to go to the store, and probably not forget the one thing that I’ve gone for. But when I write down the “run to the store and get light bulbs” action, a bubble floats up that I should check the supply of AA batteries. I’m out. If I had gone to the store, I would have discovered the battery shortage after I got back and the bulbs were out of my mental stack.
  • Brainstorm for easies before a review. Even if you keep a tight system, there are probably a few things in your psychic ram you could afford to dump. Before a review, think about the things you think or know you’re about to do and get them down. They go a long way to reinforce confidence in your system and they might remind you of another action, or uncover some creative idea that will make you millions.